This post is about how we create Electricity and a new alternative way of doing just that as reported by the Wall Street Journal of all places. This is a realm considered bunk science because it violates the Law of Thermodynamics and if true, upends all current physics and most science as we know it. …
Category: Emerging Tech
Driving Rideshare Using an Electric Car
Ever thought about using an Electric Car to do rideshare? I have done it and can tell you first hand what is involved.
‘Uber’ without a Driver
Waymo CEO John Krafcik said the company is one step closer to replacing rideshare drivers. Not in years, but starting in the next 2 months.
Tech and the New Capitalism
July 25, 2015 In The Guardian article, The end of capitalism has begun, Paul Mason presents an economic spin on how IT shaped our past and could possibly shape our future. Yes, it’s always been disruptive and will only become more so. Reviewing the impact of past social, economic, and historical events invites reflection, it’s becoming clear that our thinking has …